
Didn't Want To Say Goodbye Again

Yesterday was a very hard day. My daughter-in-law took Patch and I down to the emergency animal hospital in Delaware because my kitty wasn't doing very well. Earlier this week, my kitty Patch had slowly not eaten since Monday. For the last four months his weight had dropped, even though he was eating very good. I tried in vain with different methods of bulking him up. Even his water intake was normal an d his stools looked healthy. So wasn't overly concerned because his was an old kitty. This week changed, he decreased his eating and drinking habits and his skin started to turn yellow, almost indicating liver failure. Through it all, he remain his loving self. These past two months has be awful, just on January 3rd , my beloved little dog, Scooter died at the age of 12 from congestive heart failure. Now almost to the date, I had to make the tough decision of putting Patch to sleep so he wouldn't be suffering in his last days. It has always been such a tough thin...

Day of Destruction WHIO 1994 Broadcast for the 20th Anniversary of the X...


Why Can't This Night Go On Forever

First before I get started on my Blog today, I want to thank those who take the time to read my post, that means so much to me knowing that. This is another difficult post for me because it is recalling a very painful part of my life. Many doctors out there will tell a patient that severe depression is passed down from their ancestors, in other words, someone in a person's past has suffered from this debiliating illness. I haven't talked too much about my depression and anxiety. I will be truthful, I still don't understand all of it and for many years I couldn't. The best I knew was that it was a chemical imbalance The link that I could possibily think of that the depression came from my mom's side. When my mom and dad got married on August 27, 1961, they rented and moved to about three different places and because of their growing family, many places back then kinda limited renting to people with children. My grandparents, my mothers parents, offered...

Paul Michael Glaser Lost His Wife, Look At Him Now at 80


Starsky & Hutch | Bloodbath | Season 2 Ep 14 Full Episode


Starsky & Hutch | Savage Sunday | S1EP1 FULL EPISODE | Classic TV Rewind


Starsky&Hutch - finale scenes serie 1 Part 3 This One Is Funny
