
Showing posts from July, 2015

Checking In Tonight, Sorry It Took So Long

                                                With this stuff during the month, seems like I just feel so tired and bummy feeling, slept most of the day, did some work around the house.  Had a few storms rumble through with heavy rain.  Had too much of it, everything is so damp.  The mosquitoes and flies are horrible this year.  My legs are a mess after I walked the dogs too close to mom and dad's garden.  Those miserable things just wait for any sucker, guess who was the sucker. I got snarled at for that by my parents and my sisters, especially Vick because I had inadvertently scratched some open..I know real intelligent.                                               Hope and pray your day was good, that everything and everybody are doing well too.  Haven't heard from you for a long while, always worry if you are ok.  You know me.                                               Thinking so much about how the chemistry flows between us whenever we have seen each other.  I mis

Good Night Sweet Prince, Love You

                                                      Pray you all are well and taking care of yourselves. I always keep you Stephen and all your family in my thoughts and prayers.  The weather here is still kinda iffy, lighting is starting up again. Hope you had a good day.                                                       After I write you, I am going to "Hit The Hay" as dad says .  With the weather, household chores, scoping down the kids daily schedule and that monthly woe, I am tapped out of energy.  I just was thinking about how nice it would be just snuggling up to you..that is such a pleasant thought to go to bed on.                                                      Get some rest, I'll write you in the morning!                               Love you so much SCHIZZ!!!                                              Just like a very sweet dream

I Missed Yesterday And Today

                                                 Hello Darling SCHIZZ, the title of this blog sounds rather profound doesn't.  It smacks metaphorical in a way.  I miss yesterday and  today just seems to speak, anyway, sorry I haven't written the last two days.  I started a painting and have helped Marybeth out with some household chores.                                                   I wanted to detail an old painting that dad did a long tine ago.  It reminded of Alum Creek before they made the reservoir.  Really only a few minor adjustments are needed to make it a winter scene with The Old South Berlin Presbyterian Church that mom and dad got married in.  The Church they got married in was constructed in 1910 on Africa Road.  According to records it was The New South Berlin Church with The Old South Berlin sitting next to her sister  built much earlier.                                                   Going by my last memory of the beautiful red brick structure

Hope You Had A Good Day Stephen

                                                  Just another rainy day here, been feeling the same inside.  I don't what it is but when it rains, it just makes me sleepy.  Have so much to do outside, but with weather like this , sure makes it almost impossible.  I'll have to make a phone call later on to check on my sister and my folks.  Pray they had some better days.  Hope and pray you and the family are doing well and staying safe.  Seems like I am wanting to go in several different directions lately but I am always thinking about you too.                                                   Over the holiday weekend, I noticed so many bicyclers out enjoying the nice days we had.  I had my sunroof in my car open when my daughter and I went over to my parents.  My son worked but soon came over in the explorer.  He does real well with it and spoiling his grandpa and grandma Wells with treats from his work at Arby's.  Scott is going to get treated next he said.            

Hi Stephen , Hope And Pray Everyone There Are Fine, Love You

                                          I know I went off again on my last blog, just so worked up about what my brother and his family have been up too.  I am getting I hope, If you can pray for all of us , I really appreciate it.                                           Pray you and your family are doing good and things aren't as stressful in your life. I really do hope so.  No one needs all this aggravation and disappointment huh?                                           Been rainy all day, took a couple days break from my artwork, going to start again tonight or tomorrow.  I forgot to take a picture of the painting I did which was for my brother, since he doesn't want it, I gave it to dad.  Got to take a picture when I am out again to check on mom, dad and Vick.  This all has been building up, I guess my brother and his family thinks we are too stupid to notice all their excuses over the years.  Must be nice to be so perfect, anyway enough of that.