I Missed Yesterday And Today

                                                 Hello Darling SCHIZZ, the title of this blog sounds rather profound doesn't.  It smacks metaphorical in a way.  I miss yesterday and  today just seems lost...so to speak, anyway, sorry I haven't written the last two days.  I started a painting and have helped Marybeth out with some household chores.
                                                  I wanted to detail an old painting that dad did a long tine ago.  It reminded of Alum Creek before they made the reservoir.  Really only a few minor adjustments are needed to make it a winter scene with The Old South Berlin Presbyterian Church that mom and dad got married in.  The Church they got married in was constructed in 1910 on Africa Road.  According to records it was The New South Berlin Church with The Old South Berlin sitting next to her sister  built much earlier. 
                                                 Going by my last memory of the beautiful red brick structure, I painted out the design of it, only I can't remember what the annex looked like which they added much later.  Those photographs are in my parents wedding album and on my grandpa Havens old 16mm films.  He filmed it while they were building onto it.  Those films are one of many my grandpa took, documenting all the events that happened in his family lives. He took pictures of  "The Little Brown Jug Races", Eisenhower coming to Delaware, Delaware Parades, 4H Grange, more of the church activities including all three of his girls weddings and us grandchildren growing up until my grandmother had her stroke.  We enjoyed these films being flipped through his old projector every Forth of July on the side of the barn when it got dark.  It was a big treat for us when he did.  My grandpa also had a collection of "Abbott And Costello", "Hop Along Cassidy" and Ice Follies films he obtained through a "Film Of The Month Club" back then.  He would have had a ball with all the technology of the home and outdoor theater systems of today.
                                             Its sad when I think about that old Church, I still remember a little of the last service .  I guess it was Easter Sunday, April 2, 1972.  The dam took her soon after that, leaving just a memory.  The basement and the rest of fragmented structure are under water.  Even the old part of Africa Rd can be seen from the newer one that was redone at the same time before the reservoir and dam was finished in 1973.  I remember all the road work they done then.  Remnants of those
roads still remain today cut off by water.    Fertile farm ground, homesteads, churches and cemeteries, further back in history once belonging to two native American Tribes were gone just like that.  Alum Creek coursed  through a beautiful valley.
                                          I am not sure why I am thinking about it now. I wonder if where you grew up in Amesbury, Massachusetts things like that happened in your recollection.  I know you spoke of the old railroad tracks you and your classmates walked alongside.  Just innocence of another time, like eye candy, must be brain candy huh?
                                           The sun was finally out today, sure made it great, hope and pray you had a good day, always.  Just wish I was there.  Going out to my folks tomorrow to check on them.  I'll write you tomorrow to check in on you.  Love you so much Stephen,  Hi to all. Pray its a restful weekend all the way around!


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