
Showing posts from April, 2015

Hello Again Stephen, Hope My Schizz Is Doing Fine Tonight!

                                                                   So how are you doing tonight?  I always wonder about that because I can't ask you directly.  I have to have faith that you are doing well and all is ok there.  Hope you enjoyed Scott and Brendan's story, two ornery nephews.  Doing better today, still somewhat tired though.  My daughter told me that while they are in New York, the choir is going to see the live version of  "Phantom Of The Opera."  Now that would be something to see, even though I have seen it about three times here in Ohio but whose counting.  So she and I watched the movie.                                                                  The kids and I stayed home today because my boy had to work.  He's doing real well, you'd be proud of him.  I called mom to check on everyone there and found out that Aunt Billie had a car accident on Sandusky Street when the throttle stuck ,that is what they believe on her old Thunderbird and

Weird Thursday, Hoping For A Normal Friday!

                                                                   Pray all your family are doing good, a hello to all of them Schizz, best to all of them too.  Hope you are doing well and keeping yourself healthy, thinking about how you are getting along and sending my love your way!                                                                   What a strange day today, I have been using my LG phone to take pictures to share with you right?  I am able to access my Facebook account from my phone but to use the app on it I had to re-send friend requests again, even befriending odd is that..I will never understand technology.   I downloaded an app for Blogger on my phone, still trying to figure out how to use it.                                                                  Anyway, hope and pray you are having a good week, there isn't a time I don't think about you, I am infected with your love and caring, which is wonderful and its a high I never want to com

Good Night My Sweet Prince Sir Anthony SCHIZZ, Have A Wonderful Day Tomorrow!

                                                                         Cold tired day today, my daughter had a track met tonight and it was cold enough to snow...don't like to see it let alone say it huh?  She is doing well and in long jump she marked 11.5.  She wants to beat that so bad.  You know they just started.                                                                         Other than that I spent most of the day working on my Face Book art gallery. I finally got it caught up.  The computer was acting up, doing its usual crashing, I had to start it up several times from my search engine.  Tomorrow I am going to finish up my art piece I have been working on for the past few weeks.  I think its the longest I ever spent on a single work..oh well, but I want to do it right.                                                                        Pray that everyone and everything at the office are all going good and you are taking care of yourself. Hope and pray the fami

Just Saying I Love You Before You Drift Off To Sleep, My Sweetheart SCHIZZ

                                                                    Just wanting to check in and tell you I love you before you go to bed tonight.  Hope your day was a good one, that you are ok and all the family there is fine.                                                                    Everything seems to be the same, but whenever I think of you it is always wonderful...All my love, hugs, kisses and cuddles to you Stephen, you get some well deserved rest.  Pray your morning and your day is very bright...I will check in again tomorrow!

The Most Handsome Man In All New England...Love You SCHIZZ!

                                                             I think its graciously nice, always true to remind those who we love and care about that they are always so wonderful in our eyes, so on this day when everyone is looking towards Boston, Ma, I just want to remind you of that Stephen, love you so very much!                                               My favorite picture of to be!

Beautiful Day, Hope Yours Was Just The Same 'Boston Strong" Always But Thinking Of You Especially Schizz!

                                                              Just remembering what happened two years ago, just seems like it hasn't been that long.  Sure nice to see all the uplifting enthusiasm in Boston, such great encouragement for the nation and it surely needs it.  Spent my day exercising and sorting through art projects I need to get finished.  I was writing down themes for my Facebook Art Gallery, it will come easier to sort and post my work that way.   I opened all my windows to get the fresh air back in the house,it was a nice day for that!                                                              Hope you had a nice day, I always wish in my heart that your days go good for you and that everyone around you are doing fine as well and benefit from your help.                                                              I just would like to be there too when the days are full of trials, so I can give you a hug to bring you comfort.  You know hugs are great for that!

Early Morning Again, Thinking About You Schizz, Love You Have A Nice Day!

                                                               Sorry its early again, I know, was a busy day Tuesday, my daughter had a track meet and a band concert.  I feel more confident , still feeling sad, sorry if I grumbled about myself.  I get discouraged so easy sometimes.  I am doing better with losing weight and eating right.  Have to stay away from using too much of the darn salt..I know.                                                                My son likes those old Fire Birds, he talks about them because you had one once.  Since he's been working he stops and picks things up from the store.  It cracked me up, I picked up a small container of regular decaffeinated coffee at the store.  My son told me, that he needed stronger coffee, so what does he do?   He waltzes in the house with a big can of Classic Roast Coffee. "This will help me in the morning mom, the other isn't helping."  Everyone is a critic I guess...I know..I am my worse one.         

Sorry Its So Early In The Morning, Hope You Had A Nice Monday, Here's To A Nice Tuesday Too..Love You Schizz!

                                                                      Monday was sure nice, we did get a little rain but most of the day was beautiful.  Hope you got to enjoy it.   Pray you are all doing well Stephen, especially you!    Pat did post that darn picture, that picture is a wreck.  Nobody smile except me and I look like a hideous bloated fish..I guess you can gather I didn't like it. Gosh, I thought I was doing well on my diet and walking, sure doesn't look like it so I do extend an apology to you and not share that picture.                                                                     I am feeling really blue about it, but I can always do better, you do deserve better!     Well, I am going to try and get some rest, sorry if I am rough on myself.  Please have a wonderful day, stay safe and be careful to and from the office!  All my love, hugs and kisses..Love you so very much!                                                         Got to look at it this w

Very Beautiful Sunday Schizz, Hope You Had A Great Day!

                                                              Kinda of a slow but beautiful day, the sun was out and Crystal, my daughter and I walked around Alum Creek Dam.  It was plenty busy, got a blister on my foot but got to walk a good stretch.  So far so good, our picture wasn't posted on Facebook, so we got out of that alright.  worked on my artwork just a bit today.                                                               Pray you got to enjoy the beautiful weather today yourself.  Wish we could have walked the trail together, or even better still would be the trails around where you volunteer at.  Bet it is real pretty there.                                                              Just quiet right now, the grass is greening up and the day is getting longer.  The kids will be getting out of school May 21st, so they don't have much longer to go.  My son finally is showing much improvement, so that is a relief.                                               

Having A Good Saturday..Interesting To Say The Least!

                                                              Hello Schizz, hope you are having a good Saturday afternoon.  Pat made down with her friend Betty.  What a pair of friends...The kids and I met them at Bob Evans in Delaware.  They haunted Goodwill first before we got there.  The kids were extremely bored out of their minds hanging around us old women..I can say I was the youngest out of the three of us..ha-ha..Got Pat beat by 20 years and Betty is older than her.  It can be said that we are all young at heart though!                                                              The kids and I were told of their glorious adventures together.  Betty spoke of her " boyfriend " yet  "just friend" Roy..figure that.. and then she told of all the men chasing after Pat...riveting isn't it, lets just say I couldn't get hardly any word in edge-wise.  I think I asked only about five questions in about a span of three  This was topped off w

Good Morning Sweetheart, Have A Good Day, Love You Schizz!

                                                                  I know I said I'd write you tomorrow, I caught a break from all the storms and confusion of the morning, so I decided to write you this morning to wish you a great day with much love and if I could I'd top it off with a tender hug!                                                                  I'm surprised I am still awake, been up and down all night long because as soon as I signed off from writing you last night.  Our area was placed underneath a Tornado Watch.  I feel asleep a few times but was waken up by lighting.  Thank goodness nothing came from all of it. Its rainy still and cloudy.  It has gotten cooler.  I'll probably crash later on today before starting on my artwork.                                                                  That young lady Lauren Hill who wanted to play in the National Ladies Basketball League and got the chance because of her inoperable brain cancer. Doctors only

Warm Today But Rainy And Stormy, Hope You Had A Sunny Day Today SCHIZZ !

                                                                   It was in the seventies today and boy was it rainy and stormy,.  I spent most of the day working on my artwork and listening to classical music, not only is it enjoyable but helps me relax and not rush through it.  My daughter's second track meet was cancelled because of the rain but yesterday she placed third in the long jump!  My son got to work on the cash register at his job, he said he enjoyed it and had a nice group of people come in tonight!                                                                    Got some flooding around the house, nothing major at all, supposed to get more rain and storms overnight but nothing severe thankfully.  Didn't look like you all up there in Amesbury got rain, although its probably heading your way so I hope you can get in one more nice day there before it moves in.                                                                   Prayerfully you had a good day today

Hi Stephen, Hope Your Day Is Going Good Schizz..Love You Honey!

                                                    Sorry I'm writing you a little later today, Pat talked to me on Facebook and wanted to come down Saturday and see the kids and I.  Glad its just her and not the other two, of course they wouldn't condescend to do that anyway...that is quite alright with the kids and I.  Thing is, like I said she has been wearing wigs, sometimes some of the wigs just doesn't look right.  She sent a picture of herself with an Easter card and the one she has on in it looks about the best.     I am sure the kids and I will be worn out by the time she leaves Saturday.  I know I can be a bundle of nerves but she is about ten times worse.    Especially now that Gary is gone.                                                   So if I am offish Saturday when I write and prayerfully everything will go ok..that will be the reason.                                                   Hope my handsome Schizz is doing ok and having a good day at the offic

Hello Schizz, Wanted To Drop A Line Or Two And Say I'm Thinking About You Today!

                                                                Got home sorta of late, the kids and I were plenty worn out. I think with the spring air and entertaining kinda wears the body out.  Mom was sure tired, her and dad had a doctor's appointment today, they weren't too thrilled about that.  Got to see my nephews, Scott and Randy, my niece, you know Randy's wife and their son Brendan.  My sister Jennie and brother(her hubby) aka grandma and grandpa.  My sister doesn't like the term grandma, so Brendan calls her "Jee-Jee" like "Gi-Gi" I told them they should put a French accent with that.                                                               Well "Gi-Gi" and Grandpa Mike bought a "Grave Digger" power wheels for Brendan for Easter.  The little tike sure didn't take long to figure out how fast it goes.  He was zooming around his mom and everyone else!  He was cute yesterday because when we first got their he ran

Hello Sweet Wonderful Schizz, Hope You Are Having A Nice Easter Weekend!

                                                     Sorry its taken me a couple days to get back to you. I had to run errands yesterday.  My daughter went with me, by the time we got home, I just crashed.  Mom called and told me that Aunt Wanda died, she was 98, no matter what, its something for a lady who had battled diabetes , she had out lived all of her siblings.  I guess she donated her body to O.S.U for Medical Science, still she was a nice person and I'll miss her too.  My nephew Ben had to go to Children's because his digestive system isn't functioning right.  Not real sure what that means.  Its been one thing after another, seems like that is the way life goes sometimes huh?                                                     My son has to work until 11pm tonight, so that is going to have me wide awake most of the night.  The sun has been out all day, little cold but not bad at all.  Hope and pray you are having a good weekend and got everything ready for Easter.

Hi Sweetheart, Hope You Are Having A Good Day, My Mr. Schizz!

                                                            Thinking about you right now hon, hope the day is going good, my son has to work today and my daughter is done with track practice for the week.  Their coaches treated them with donuts from "Tim Hortons".  Made my trip down to "People In Need" today and while I waited the man who is a director there was telling me all about him and his wife's experiences in Africa while in the "Peace Corps" from what I could hear ( he spoke real softly at times, he and his wife are around in their seventies) it sounded like some experience.                                                             Its warming up today about seventy but with storms, typical for this time of year.  Sounds like it is going to be a beautiful Easter weekend though!                                                             Oh, I forgot to tell you how that Crock-pot roasted chicken came out, the kids loved it, it got picked pr

Getting Over The Hump To A Better Day, Pray You Are Doing Fine, Love You Darling SCHIZZ

                                                                  Been a couple of beautiful days, did some work outside and some sculpturing inside.  My daughter and took a walk on The Alum Creek Dam yesterday while my son hung out with his cousin.  It was sorta windy and cold but nice. not too many people were out.  We took Daisy (Miss Queenie Of The House) for a little dog, she sure has a big following and she acts big too.  Anyway she was making friends with parents and kids yesterday, its bad when a mother says"I want a small dog" in front of her little girl.  You know the little girl didn't even say a thing.                                                                   Its nice today, don't know if my daughter and I will walk today, I'm sorta sore, have to get use to it again and blow off this darn winter blahs.                                                                   Hope and pray you are having a good day sweetheart and the day is beautiful