Getting Over The Hump To A Better Day, Pray You Are Doing Fine, Love You Darling SCHIZZ

                                                                  Been a couple of beautiful days, did some work outside and some sculpturing inside.  My daughter and took a walk on The Alum Creek Dam yesterday while my son hung out with his cousin.  It was sorta windy and cold but nice. not too many people were out.  We took Daisy (Miss Queenie Of The House) for a little dog, she sure has a big following and she acts big too.  Anyway she was making friends with parents and kids yesterday, its bad when a mother says"I want a small dog" in front of her little girl.  You know the little girl didn't even say a thing.
                                                                  Its nice today, don't know if my daughter and I will walk today, I'm sorta sore, have to get use to it again and blow off this darn winter blahs.
                                                                  Hope and pray you are having a good day sweetheart and the day is beautiful for you to enjoy after you get home from the office!  I'll be thinking about that tonight.  I always think about you, but especially since its a lovely day.  A lovely day deserves a lovely thought your case , a handsome thought!
                                                                  Got to go get my daughter from track practice, I'll write you a longer letter, later on today or tomorrow morning.  I love you so much Stephen, be careful and safe on your way home and tonight..ok?  You are my one and only loving man!
                       Its starting to look like this..well unfortunately not as green , LOVE YOU STEVE!


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