Having A Good Saturday..Interesting To Say The Least!

                                                              Hello Schizz, hope you are having a good Saturday afternoon.  Pat made down with her friend Betty.  What a pair of friends...The kids and I met them at Bob Evans in Delaware.  They haunted Goodwill first before we got there.  The kids were extremely bored out of their minds hanging around us old women..I can say I was the youngest out of the three of us..ha-ha..Got Pat beat by 20 years and Betty is older than her.  It can be said that we are all young at heart though!
                                                             The kids and I were told of their glorious adventures together.  Betty spoke of her " boyfriend " yet  "just friend" Roy..figure that.. and then she told of all the men chasing after Pat...riveting isn't it, lets just say I couldn't get hardly any word in edge-wise.  I think I asked only about five questions in about a span of three hours..man-o-man.  This was topped off with one of Pat's famous pictures, which I am sure will make it on Facebook...thrill..I know I'll hate my picture..always do..I will share it with you when I get it..be prepared right?   The whole experience was an adventure...close encounter of something.   It was a good time...I think..nothing bad happened anyway.
                                                            I haven't got done with my sculpture yet, just got the base done with praying hands carved in it, just a start of what I wanted to do, hopefully I'll get it completed soon so I can put in in my art portfolio.
                                                            Last night I was cleaning out my cupboard and found a picture I can use in my Artwork.  Its a nice picture that always makes me smile whenever I look at it.  That smile especially can lift me up whenever I am blue.   Hope you enjoy it..sorry if its a little blurry
                                                            I am thinking about you Stephen and pray you all are doing well, I love you so, so very much, check in tomorrow, have a wonderful evening, all my love, hugs and kisses!
                                                     That smile always brightens my day!



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