I Don't Know Why This Song Reminds Me Of A Cold Day, Remember This Classic Schizz From 1975?

           Boy is it cold and wet today, been feeling under the weather the last couple days.  That isn't fun when I have to run errands in town, Like I did yesterday.  I was waiting in the drive thru at the bank , when the lady ahead of me car decided to quit.  She got out to tell me so I could get into the other line.  I felt so bad for her knowing how many times "The Car Woes" have haunted me.  I told her I understood how she felt.  She had a two year old little boy in the back seat.  The bank teller came out and  gave him some suckers.  A gentleman jump started the car for her a little later after that.
                     I got thinking about how cars have changed, before fuel injection, remember when we had to put our foot a bit on the accelerator to start the engine...ah boy I hated that.  I remember getting stranded at church with my sister and dad had to come out. You know in those days "Flooding The Engine" was real easy to do.  We waited on dad, of course like usual, he'd get in the vehicle and it would start right away.  Still holds true today.
                    Back in the early years the car bodies were placed on a steel frames.  I remember my sister's 1972 Ford LTD got so worn that when my dad borrowed it to drive it to work one time, he came to a stop, the frame stopped BUT the body kept going.  It wasn't long for the junk yard.  Today cars have Uni-bodies.  
                 I don't know why I was thinking about it other than hearing some of these old songs again. My son had to go to Toledo for a Band Contest today, last night he and the band played for the football team    (Olentangy Won Again)..you know, I was a little late picking him up...ooh wow..five minutes...and he grumbled about it..oh course I hear the..."If I Had My Own Car This Wouldn't Happen"  well my answer is plain..Tough Cookies, Patience Is A Virtue " Teenagers just don't seem to find the humor in that..oh well,
                Hope you had a great week Schizz, I am thinking about you always!  LOVE YOU!  Hope and pray the family is doing well..And that you are taking care of yourself!!!!!!!


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