What A Blessing

Have you ever had "One Of Those Days" that no matter what you think is right, always goes wrong somehow.  Another kick in the "you know where or in the you know what ".   Maybe you are just feeling down, blue or depressed.  Put some music on .  The Beatles said it best "HELP ME!" 
Typically, when I have felt so sad I walk over to my multi-function stereo,turn on my record player,tape or in recent years Cd's, and play something corresponding with my mood.  Those who know me best, know I'm a big "Boston" fan.  Many years I have tortured my mom and dad with their rock music( My Poor Worn Out Albums Are Falling Apart......AHH!) because they enjoy country music.  However, I did hear my father one time sing along with "More Than A feeling" hey, why not, there's something about the acoustic guitar and the way Brad Delp sang it, it just made you feel good like someone commented once about it, "It makes you want to stick your head out the window of a car, like a dog". My children also sing along with it.    Even "Feeling Satisfied" from Boston's second album, another happy tune embedded with clapping, you can't stay sad.
Or how about when you had a bad day because someone said or did something that made your blood boil, you turn on the car radio and hear "Sunshine, Lollipops and Rainbows.."  thank goodness for Cd's in the vehicle, otherwise that car stereo would be flying out of the window, right.  Try these songs:
" Be Good To Yourself " "I'm Alright" or maybe "You Have Another Thing Coming" or possibly "Crazy Train"
Recently as I was feeling  better about how things were going that particular day, I put on"Don't Look Back"  another good song from Boston.  I told a very wonderful man how that song came back to life in my heart because of him.  He knows who he is, if a lady had sung "More Than A Feeling" a verse in the song would be dedicated to him and go something like " When I'm Tired and Thinking Cold, I Hide In My Music, Forget The Day and Dream Of A Boy I Used To Know..I Close My Eyes and He Slipped Away.."  Of course "Mary Ann"  would change to... well, he knows
Anyway, I had always used music as a form of therapy for my soul, it helps heighten my emotions and bring my mood back to normal.
 Sadly, one of my grieving periods in my life before I lost my husband,was that I miscarried my first child. The baby would had been due around my birthday but unfortunately Mother's Day became a terrible day that year for my late husband and me after six years of trying to have a child failed.
One night shortly after the miscarriage, I couldn't sleep got up,pulled out some Cd's, a blank tape and recorded for myself some songs of faith and hope.  With tears running down my face and my eyes too full to see what I was doing, the tape stopped.  I rewound it and played it back for myself to continue to release all the pain and sorrow I was holding in.  The very next month, my late husband and I planted a tree in our front yard as a memorial to the little one we lost.
We were blessed with two normal births of our son and our daughter.  They still see their mother compile tapes like that today. 
So I do believe that Music is the language of the heart and through music we can express our emotions, releasing feelings that help us heal and bring us back to the proper perspective of life.


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