A Song That Has New Meaning To Me.

                I was first introduced to the band Alabama in 1981, when "Love In The First Degree" crossed over from the country charts to the pop charts.  They were my late husband's favorite band.  I had liked a few of their songs but I like a little of every style of music, as you may have noticed.  I favor rock, pop, jazz and easy listening.  My parents are big country music fans so I do enjoy the older artist in country music.
               My son has picked up a like for Alabama as well and asked if I had any CD's of theirs.  I did but I had put it away since Jeff had died.  It was his CD I got him one year for his birthday.  I gave it to my son an he downloaded it to his play station.   He then brought The CD into the car to play while he drove the car.
             "  You can listen to it if you want to mom."
 It was kinda hard for me to listen to all the way through, but it was a nice way to remember him.
One song on the CD caught my attention after all these years called  "Lady Down On Love"  Boy how it fit the way life has been for the kids and I.  I wanted to share this because , there are some parts of the song that doesn't match, but all and all, its  perfect.
              I think about how much I love Schizz and how much he has meant to the kids and I.  My daughter even wants to run "The Boston Marathon" like he did.  So I know she thinks of him too and my son who although adores Fords will tolerate Toyota's and older Chevy products..oh did I mention taking biology next year.  Another male figure who means so much to them, like their grand dads.
             I know I make him sound like he's superman or something and brag about him so much.  I also no like me, he's isn't perfect in everything but I know when comes right down to it, he has never let us down or in the words of the song " A Man Who Will Love Her And Never Let Her Down."
Some More Favorites 


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