The Perfect Accent For The Room (In This Heart)

I think every girl has a "Dream Guy" that they hope to meet and marry someday, at least that is what we tell ourselves.  I couldn't have been more than nine, when I started putting together that "Dream Man".  It seemed like that not only did he have dark hair but an accent.  Just what "Accent" I could never figure out but I have somewhat of an ideal.
I loved music as long as I could remember and listened to the radio so much that I worn out many transistors my grandpa kept giving me, you know the small hand held radios, of course back in the seventies they were large enough to house a 9 Volt battery, not the button ones they have today.  My grandma suffered a stroke so my mom went over to my grandparents house to help care for her.  During we were off from school, we usually joined her.  My grandfather loved electronics, he had all shapes and sizes of radios, every station you could imagine, so this was just a perfect place for a kid who loved music and radios.  My sisters loved rock music, so majority and age ruled, well in the kid area anyway, tough luck for my brother and I.  My parents liked Country Music, my grandparents, Big Band Music.

I guess, I fell in love with a voice I heard from a band called "Boston" and the head singer "Brad Delp."  That was the first time I really recognized the "Boston Accent" even though I had heard tracks of J.F.K speak but for some reason or another I was captured by Brad Delp's voice in particularly.  For me, I had seen Brad Delp's picture on the back of the album cover with the rest of the band members,but in my mind, my "Dream Man" was different looking.
I grew up and over time I forgot all that when I married and had children.  My children are growing up and my husband had passed away, I think back on that vision and what it would be like if it did come true.  I am going on forty-seven years old now(Yikes) and still in the back of my mind I keep hoping that one day this man will come in my life and if I had passed him, that he will come back into my life...anyway, I hope he reads this so I can hear his voice again because he has that perfect accent for my heart.


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