
Showing posts from February, 2014

Too Cute!

I think I'd like to share my hugs with someone special up in New England especially Hope you are having s good day, I am thinking of you! Hope this gives everyone else a smile.

How Will March Come In ?

  My mom taught us that either March will come in like a lion and go out like a lamb OR come in like a lamb and go out like a lion.  It really does that if you stop and think about March's weather. Typically Ohio Severe Weather Season starts in April but some of our worse weather has come in March.  My dad talked about helping clean up The Radnor Tornado when he was in The Ohio State Highway Patrol.   It is often referred to "The Palm Sunday Tornado Outbreak " which happened in April 11 at night which was  the most dangerous time because nobody could see it.  Radnor is a small farm town in northern Delaware, County.     As dad told it, he and his partner "Fitz" were on patrol that night.  As they drove down the back road, the twister went across the road behind them, bouncing the back end of the cruiser.  That story always sends chills down my spine.  Of course The "Super Tornado Outbreak" April 3,1974, I remember some.  It a...

Themes To Great Movies!


Dream Man

   I know, Valentine's Day was a week ago, but like I said the older I get the slower I am right?  Anyway, when I think about how things work out or when things do come true in my life, even though I never share my deepest desires, it is so overwhelming to me at times, especially when I get too deep in my thoughts.   My last blog was about the man who I care about very much and never realizing it, he has always been what I always dreamed about.  When my husband died in 2006, I pretty much gave up any hope of finding anyone again and seemed to wallow in grief by holding onto my late husband's memory because it felt safe.  A place where I could hide, making the excuse not to try for love again.    That is until this gentleman came into my life, it really wasn't underneath unusual circumstances and like any good nurtured man, he pulled me out of my sadness with his kindness, like some kind of healer, so to speak, being brought up to care for others...

Where To Find Him

   I know I have talked about him many times on here.  His '' Blogin'' has given my kids and I so much encouragement.  I think about him everyday and how he is.  Since he left Delaware, I have missed him.  I am so very proud of how he cared for his parents and stayed by their side until they left to be with Christ in heaven.  A great deal can be said about a man for sacrificing his time throughout a busy schedule. His family too are very exceptional people.  Not many people have done what they have accomplished and have the closeness they all share with each other.   People tell our family too, how very rare to have a family so close like we all are and it is I guess.  My late husband's family were never close and til this day my once mother-in-law tells me how she envies how close we all are.  It is clearly the love of Christ that bonds us, how He taught us to care for , to love, to understand one another.  To help when we ca...

What Will I Be Doing On Valentine's Day.

  Its nice on these cold days having a warm holiday like Valentine's Day.  What will I be doing on this day, well the same thing I have been for the last seven years, staying home with the kids.  Its ok, we usually have fun watching movies together and just enjoying each other's company.  Many couples will be exchanging many things and roses will be sold out from many flower shops.  Red, Pink, Purple will dominate the color on this day.  As a kid, I remember making those Valentine's Day boxes for school, so we could exchange cards.  You always hoped yours was the prettiest.  My children experienced  those days as well .  I think when you get older and don't really have a sweetheart around, you just enjoy the day as being a happy one.   I would love to spend time, putting my hair up, dawning a beautiful dress, accented with jewelry that sparkled in the dimmed lights to spend a evening in a man's arms.  I can close my ares and d...

Remembering Sunday School

     My grandmother and mother both taught Sunday School.   I remember Sunday mornings as a child getting up early to go to church with my sisters, brother and my parents.  I still carry some memories of those day and like you probably know , most of them were the songs.  I can remember being in my parents old Ford Falcon and hearing Ray Stevens's " Everything Is Beautiful" on the car radio.  See if you can recognize the Sunday School Song in the beginning.

The Snow Is Pretty From A Distance

   Since I have been feeling under the weather and trying to heal this rash, which some days looks better while others, like today it appears worse.  I went to the doctors , she thought it was a glove to glove allergic reaction, so she called a prescription in for a strong creme to put on it.  I am hoping it will go away, if not I wonder if it will scar?  Even so I have been going through my artwork and doing some on the computer. Its not the greatest, but I really have been enjoying it.  This morning it started to snow again and for a long time I thought it looked really beautiful, so I painted a bird sitting on a limb in a middle of a gentle snowfall.  It kinda reminded me of that song Anne Murray sang that mom loves to sing with.  I hope and pray all is well in everyone little "Neck Of The Woods" My thoughts are with you and I send everyone my love as well.

Love's In The Air!


Love's Light That Burns Brightly This Week

  We are fast approaching Valentines Day.  I like to send out an early greeting to tell everyone how much I love them.  My heart carries a certain message of Love for a special man in MA. I care about deeply.  I miss him and hope he is doing ok.  He is thought about often by those who know him. Love you ( I did this drawing on the computer)