I Thought I'd Write My Blog Here Tonight Instead Of " Best Friends" Pray You Have A Restful Evening And A Good Day Tomorrow Schizz, Love You

                                        Writing late again tonight, I still have to watch what I eat or drink because even though I take meds for acid reflux, it still catches me.  The hard part is learning which food and drink are the worst culprits.  That isn't fun, especially when I get sick..oh well, live and learn I guess.
                                       I also found out I am having more difficulty driving after dark.  I took the kids tonight to look for a vehicle for my son.  Its stressful because I really am not anxious about buying another vehicle.  My son wants these gas hogs, big trucks.  I am always battling him about the issue anyway because his grades are suffering because of his worrying over getting his own set of wheels .  So tonight, I took him and his sister down in Columbus.  I think my son now realizes how much trouble it is for me in driving after sunset.  Now that it is dark sooner, the time to do this is limited.  I hope and pray he settles down on this "Car" issue and gets more patient.  That sure would help me out.
                                     Of course I wore myself out cleaning his room because I could stand looking at it any longer.  My dad is right when he asks my son if he hangs his coat  " on the floor".  Granted I am not the most organized person , it was even too much for me.  I think those in his ROTC group would be shocked to even see his room.  I keep telling him that.  He is getting much better than he use to be.
                                   That is what is happening in my world anyway, hope and pray you are doing ok Stephen and taking care of yourself.  I know here I am again "to bug" you . 
                                   Please have a good day tomorrow and stay safe. I am thinking about you and everyone there.  Love you so very much, all my hugs and kisses always!  May God Bless Your Day!


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