How Are You Doing Today Stephen?

I had to check to see if they got "Boston" and they did...I don't know if I like it though..I bet ol Tom Schultz doesn't, he is such a control freak and his guitar solo isn't in it, at least as far as I can tell..ohh, not good BUT the late Brad Delp sounds good, love how they worked his voice in it.  If anything to him its a nice tribute.
     I guess both our favorite groups got mashed, oh well, see you aren't alone.
Hope that gives you a smile today and that your day is going good and happy.  Found out another teacher I had passed away.  Rose Gordon, I had her in seventh grade, she was teaching my mom's senior year at Olentangy, that would have been 1954-55.  Actually, she taught all us kids, not sure if Aunt Billie had her or not.
   Seen Aunt Billie Sunday, she looks good but started a political discussion with mom and got mom going, let's just say  , the whole lot of us are not big Donald Trump fans.  Its funny, I heard on the news today that he and Hillary are the scariest candidates, I agree.  I don't know, not really looking forward to this year's presidential election.  I like John Kasich because I have known his record here in Ohio since he was a state representative .  At least he wants to work with both sides and keeps a level head.  Trump, needless to say comes off as obnoxious, but he is good with figures, just poor on foreign  issues, maybe as a vice president, he'd do ok, not  "Commander In Chief"  seems to me he'd get us in a a heartbeat.  If we needed prayer for this country, we sure need it now.
   Thinking about you today, I know, nothing new, Love you so very, very much , keep safe and careful out today, that's double security by the way!


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