Family Trait

Gosh do I hate being awake when I should be sleeping.  Dad has gotten bad about it. He goes to bed about ten pm and gets up about four thirty in the morning.
  Funny how our bodies play with us like that.
  My problem is sometimes I need to talk or just need to be near somebody to fall asleep.
  The dogs and cats make great company but over the years I have discovered that it is much different than human company but when that's all one has like in my case, it has to do.  How I wish I could see you and know that you are near Stephen.  Well I can talk to you like this.   Sure hope and pray you are doing fine Schizz.  I know it's going to rain here all tomorrow and Saturday.   Like always you guys up in New England get some of the weather we do.   So be prepared I guess. A big hello to all.  I better sign off Schizz, I am getting romantic thoughts just missing you, so I will havw sweet dreams of you so I can rest.  Have a safe, productive and blessed day.
Love you so much
Yours Always,


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