Illustrating The Day For You Schizz

    Had a real good Free Painting Class last night.   Tonight is my free drawing class.  Both Carianne and Jon gave me some ideals for subjects to do.  Cariannes' ideal of bring still life in and have them use imagination and paint a picture.  This worked great I brought in fruit and borrowed a pumpkin.
   Tonight I am using Jon ideal of a basic landscape to illustrate, along with a side view of a face.  We were talking about this as we sat in the doctors office waiting on Dr. Renick.  Jon needed to get a required shot for school, he also got a checkup and a flu shot.  Everything is good with Jonathan.  I have to go to Mc Connell tomorrow for my nutrition check.
  I will send you my class works when I get them detailed.  I always do that.   Sure hope you are having a good day Stephen sweetheart.  Always think about you Schizz, LOVE YOU SO, SO MUCH!  Love and prayers to all your family.
Many hugs and kisses especially for you !!!!
Yours always


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