Much Ado About Nothing, Depending On How You Look At It

   Lot of things are going on , variety of topics to choose from I guess.
    Watched the presidential debate, I really don't talk about politics, but darn it I am SO SICK OF HILLARY and all the Clintons, I can just throw up, hypocritical people.
 I am sorry ,just had to say it.  For those who like them, I am sure you have your reasons..I must don't.
   On the lighter side, I am thinking about a story my father shared about a friend of his.  It actually does up these few days with everything going on in the news.
    My father went over to his friend "Pinky's" farm to work on one of his tractors.  I am sorry to say, I don't know how he got his nickname. As dad was finishing up his repair on the machine, pinky was way up high on a pole changing a lightbulb in his security light.   So the journey up and down needless to say was a long one.
   Dad drove the tractor up to it and watched pink shimmy down the pole almost to the bottom, when the light went out, so up again pinky went and the light came on.
     Pinky came down to almost the ground and boom the light went out again.
   Dad suggested to pinky that maybe he had a loose wire somewhere.  
     "No, I don't think so" he said to dad.  So the event kept going on with Pinky being ever so patient.
     Dad happened to look over to the barn to see Pinky's wife flipping the switch to the security light, watching her husband go up and down.
      Cute couple that is for sure, dad mentioned that Pinky was in bad shape enough that hospice is being called in.  Funny how time marches on so fast that we never realize the years tucked in it.  It is sobering to think how healthy this man was and how he is daddy's age.
    Like I said, it just sums up all the things happening around it.
   Dad has many stories about Pinky, I will share later.
     Please keep him in your thoughts and prayers.
    My hope , thoughts and prayers are always with you Stephen Anthony Schizz and your beloved family.    I do love you so much.


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