Left Over Holiday Errands

       Monday after the Holidays , still feel off, still tired and still trying to catch up with stuff that still needs done.  This week is no different than it was the start of two weeks ago.  Today I had to run to town to get a money over, stop at "People In Need", start dinner and pick up Carianne from track conditioning at school.
      tomorrow, I have to put air in my tires and make a trip up to the Huron County Court House in Norwalk, Ohio to get copies of Gary and Arlene's will for future reference.  Dad and mom suggested I do so.  The reasons is to make sure that what was meant for the kids, stays with the kids.   Pat has been real silent about things and starting to progress back to her less than savory self..so to speak, its got me worried.  What tipped me a little was a comment a friend of hers made on Facebook, posted to my page.
   Apparently Pat had upset this lady enough for her to spout off on mine..just a little.  Me, I get exceedingly suspicious of Kristy and her when they are getting along so well.  Truth be known they just have their "Times" so to speak, Jeff always called them "Two peas in a pod."  Well, all I know is that whatever Princess Kristy wants she gets.
  I had wished Dorothy, Steve and Brianna my Hutchison in-laws and niece of course a great New year and since my Wi-Fi-was down, I posted Tennessee Christmas by Amy Grant for them, sent them my love and told them they were in my thoughts as well.   I was glad they liked the post, anyway, Pat's friend wrote "I do too especially after all  you have been cheated out of"  that really got me thinking.  I know we always get screwed over, that is almost 100% certifiable ;I have also learned that when Pat is silent, she is dangerous and 9 out of 10, something bad is going to happen.  A good part of me wants to trust her, but so much deception has happened between her and I in the past, its really difficult .
  Dad had told me this, that when my grandfather Havens died, he was off course re-married to The Beehive Hairdo Lady From Hell, Jo..she was the type that would act so nice to you and have a knife waiting for you behind her back when she was ready to turn on you...well the farm ground was split between, Mom, Aunt Billie and Aunt Janet, that is what grandpa wanted, the house and outside buildings went to Jo..  That was sold shortly afterwords, and it was lost to the family
   Dad told me to check the "Time" on the will, according to my parents lawyer, mom and her sisters were within a week of losing their inheritance had they not acted on it.  Dad just don't remember what the time limit is, so he wants me to get a copy of the will and check.  I don't know if I can do anything at all.  The kids are supposed to inherit what would have gone to Jeff had he lived (Survivorship)  That is what Gary wanted for them and I am sure Jeff would have too.  I would like to see a farm stay in the family, would be nice for a change.  Like mom, Aunt Billie and Aunt Janet the land is divided up between what was Jeff's, Steve and Kristy, only Kristy got to pick hers, we never got asked, therefore, the house and its outside buildings that has retained in the Hutchison's name since the early eighteen hundreds, will no longer be "Hutchison" it will be "Brooks" when Kristy and that weasel of  a husband of hers gets it...it upsets me Kristy thinks he has done so much for the family....ha, ha, ha, ha..bull.  Yeah, he has done so much..what he has done is in the eye of the beholder..I got my opinion.
    I think back on everything Jeff did just to make his parents proud of him, there was so much and he did it because he loved his parents, and this is how he is thought of.  After how Kristy and that twerp treated us at the funeral, she has the nerve to post on Jonathan's Facebook page how she loves us...lie, lie..lie, for one she would had never did what she had done to us at Gary's funeral or Jeffs if she considered the kids and I.  I don't know how you can look upon the granddaughters and older grandson , see them shed tears and think its right to block them out of their granddad's life...Kristy found a way..she and Clayton had to have the attention and William had to be placed above all the others.  Pat just went along with it and defended them..I don't know, I thought it was grief, but I am not sure now because its still happens.
   Kristy did say her and I don't see eye to eye..she got that right and I am soooo glad for that.
I just would like for the kids to have the spot where the original house stood in the earlier years after they bought it from the Indians.  Gary and Jeff did show me that, at least that can stay tradition for the generations to come.
  Sorry had to let off that steam,by the way, my brother never called mom and dad at Christmas or New Years.....Whatever this stuff is, it must be a disease.
  Wednesday, I go to the doctors of course at Ohio Health and Thursday the dogs go see their doctor for a check up so they can get their heartworm meds.
I will be lost of what to do Friday.
  I will have to write you on the adventures of Crystal, Carianne and the old lady tomorrow..lol  Hope and pray you had a good couple days and have a giood day tomorrow, stay safe, love to everyone but most of all you, LOVE YOU STEPHEN ANTHONY Schizz..so, so much!


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