Furnace Blast It

      Sure hope you all in Massachusetts made it through the storm earlier this week.  Don't know if you had any severe storms.  I seen where Mass and some other area's in New England were under  the gun .  Pray everybody made it through Stephen.  They say its going to be in the nineties here tomorrow,Furnace blast heat...not good, so the girls and I are going to the Delaware Beach.
    Got through this week and now I am pretty tired.  Carianne is making sure I stick to my diet and come July 1st, I will see how well I am doing .  I upped my intake on vitamin D and B12, the D was really low.  I am doing more exercise.  The kids are keeping after me.
  Our Kitty Aries got neutered Wednesday, he made it ok and was sure glad to come home.
    I pray you are doing alright and everyone in your family is ok ,  I think about you all, especially you Schizz, I miss you SO,SO SO much and wish I could see you.  I am going to get a certification in Floral Design after all these years, UI am hoping that will help me find a good job, right now everything else has fallen through, been a constant worry for the kids and I ..I don't like to talk about it.  Dad and mom always have to pry it out of me, because I am ashamed of it.
    Anyway, I do hope and pray you are fine, Love you Stephen Anthony, be safe talk at ya later. Hello to all
                                                             Aries is a very nice boy


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