This Fragrance Is A Lasting Memory
It surely was a very nice Easter Day. I spent the day with my family and got to see my great nephew. The day was so bright and sunny and it was sure good to see everyone together. Of course my brother and his family still are ignoring us. My dad called him the day before and it sounds like my brother is fighting his weight, big surprise because of all the stress he is letting into his life.
I gave mom her Easter wall decoration but I didn't really expect her to give us girls something but she did, she always thinks about us kids.
Each one of us got spring flowers we can plant later on, me she got a Hyacinth, she knew it was my favorite, of course mom would know, I have been enjoying its fragrance all day today. It has made my kitchen and dining room smell absolutely wonderful. Besides its aroma, the beautiful purple/blue flowers has brightened the house up.
I am worried about mom, she sure wasn't acting very good. Brendan, my great nephew was the center attraction, along with my sister's cat who decided to pose in in his "Grave Digger" truck like he was driving it.
Dad was like is ornery self and laughing hard at my eldest sister who got in the "Little Tikes" battery operated truck and drove it up a ways in the yard so patio furniture could be placed out.
You see, my other sister had to pick up "Grave Digger' from Jennie and Mike's house and bring it out to my folks place so Brendan could play with it and then they had to repeat the same process to get the truck back.
Dad made the wisecrack that maybe Vickie could follow Jennie in "The Grave Digger" with her Mercury Mariner flashers on...that would have given Delaware something to talk about.
Sure hope you had a memorable Easter Holiday with your family Stephen, I was thinking about you all day yesterday.
Pray you had a good day at work today, I bet it was busy though.
The kids are off this week for spring break, so it will be nice, hopefully the weather will stay reasonable for them. I will check in later Schizz, love you so very, very much!
Easter This year, March 27, 2016 at his mom's parents home
I gave mom her Easter wall decoration but I didn't really expect her to give us girls something but she did, she always thinks about us kids.
Each one of us got spring flowers we can plant later on, me she got a Hyacinth, she knew it was my favorite, of course mom would know, I have been enjoying its fragrance all day today. It has made my kitchen and dining room smell absolutely wonderful. Besides its aroma, the beautiful purple/blue flowers has brightened the house up.
I am worried about mom, she sure wasn't acting very good. Brendan, my great nephew was the center attraction, along with my sister's cat who decided to pose in in his "Grave Digger" truck like he was driving it.
Dad was like is ornery self and laughing hard at my eldest sister who got in the "Little Tikes" battery operated truck and drove it up a ways in the yard so patio furniture could be placed out.
You see, my other sister had to pick up "Grave Digger' from Jennie and Mike's house and bring it out to my folks place so Brendan could play with it and then they had to repeat the same process to get the truck back.
Dad made the wisecrack that maybe Vickie could follow Jennie in "The Grave Digger" with her Mercury Mariner flashers on...that would have given Delaware something to talk about.
Sure hope you had a memorable Easter Holiday with your family Stephen, I was thinking about you all day yesterday.
Pray you had a good day at work today, I bet it was busy though.
The kids are off this week for spring break, so it will be nice, hopefully the weather will stay reasonable for them. I will check in later Schizz, love you so very, very much!
Easter This year, March 27, 2016 at his mom's parents home
This is last year's Easter photo of Brendan with Julie his mom and Carianne at Great Grandpa and Grandma Wells.
My goodness, four years old and has two trucks. It was cute. Brendan asked Carianne this year why she never talks very much.
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