Delightful Good Afternoon Stephen And Everyone

        Hope and pray all of you are having a great afternoon, especially you Schizz.  I am doing better. Still have the runny nose, pray everyone is well there though.  It rained all day yesterday, even if I were to get outside, the ground would be too wet to work.  I started all my outdoor plants inside, which is helping, hopefully I can get a jump on spring planting that way.
     Still thinking about moving away from here but close enough to be in Olentangy School district and mom and dad.   The park is making it soooo easy to contemplate it.
      They are driving me crazy, they are so over exuberant, gung ho in impressing there new owners, they sighted me for having weeds in my flower beds....WOW two or three dandelions, both mom and I agree, I think they are mistaking my Stone Plants, Lillie and Daisies as weeds.  The manager finally saw what they were when she came up to talk to me in helping me replace the skirting around the home..I only hope so anyway.
   I bought a Lilac tree and planted it behind my house in a big hole the park left when they took down some trees...I don't like the ideal of leaving it here if I leave, I just might take it with me.
   Thing is, I talked to a gentleman who buys Mobile Homes and for the year of mine its worth book value between thirteen and sixteen hundred.  Mobile Homes like cars depreciate.  The guy almost flipped when I told him how much I paid for it back in 2007.  Like dad, he felt I got pretty much taken, even though its a 2005 double wide .  Its upsetting, wish I was more aware of it back then, but "Hind Sight Is Twenty-Twenty" they say.
  I am still trying to dig up freelance art employment through "OutSource"  I also am helping out some neighbors with light pet care and put in for a job at Alum Creek Marina, I know none of that is again that weighs heavy on me.  Nothing panning out with other resources thus far.
   Sure hope things are going well for you all there, I think about you folks alot.  You know I always think of you Stephen because I love ya so much and miss you terribly.
  Please be taking care of yourself and stay safe, write you later, love you so, so, so much!!!


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