Unexpected Visitor

    Jon was sure surprised when a friend of his showed up to see him from Massachusetts.  Colby Mars moved away from here with his family almost six years ago.  His mom Sandy was born and raised in Massachusetts, so most of her family are there.  Colby had advanced and graduated early.  For a few months now, he had been working in Maine.  When Colby gets back, he will be going into basic training in May at South Carolina.
  That will be good for him because he had finished some training and it already has made a big difference.  He is much more respectful and polite, proud of him for that.
   So that was unexpected when he showed up and surprised us all, but it was a very nice surprise, it was good to see him, especially with all he has achieved so far, so I wish him the best in all he does.  Pray that he continues to become a success in his life for his mom, step father and younger siblings sake.
  Today, the kids and I went over to my folks, my sister had gotten the new Star Wars Film and we watched that.  I gotta say I really enjoyed the film, although didn't like them bumping off Han Solo.  I liked the story even though it compares to the previous plots, good none the less.
  Hope and pray all of you are doing well and staying safe.  You know I worry about you so much Stephen.  You are constantly in my thoughts and prayers and I love you so very much!
You have a good day , Write you later!


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