
Showing posts from February, 2015

Hello Schizz, Wanted To See How Your Day Was Going...Smile..Because You Know " A Smile A Day, Keeps The Blues Away "

                                                              Even though its cold today, the sun is out, hope the sky is clear and it is out for you today.   Wanted to write you and let you know I am thinking about you today.  Take a few seconds to smile, I always do when I think of you, it helps you too and everyone around you. Bet you already know that..                                                      ...

Inspired By Schizz And For Schizz, Thank you!

                                                             I wanted to post this because it was inspired by you Schizz. Your last two blogs were such a blessing to me. I did a work of art out of them. I suppose I should have posted this on  my art blog spot, but it really belongs here because it it is music from the heart.                                                               I...

Checking On Schizz!

                                                                            Hello sweetheart, hope you are doing good tonight Stephen, pray you are doing well tonight, staying safe and warm.  Wanted to check in on you , I guess we kinda check on each other this way.                                                            ...

Sure Looks Cold, Hope You Are Doing Fine Schizz, Love You!

                                                            I know a couple years back you shared a photograph of the lovely old home that you shared with your folks.  I wanted to return the gesture by snapping a picture of the kids and I 's little place.  Daisy decided to bolt out the door, I headed out after to catch her, so I went ahead and took it.  Gosh does it look cold.  My poor old Ford even looks like its shivering.  Daisy did come up too me.  I am a slow mover with these old joints in my legs.  The cold doesn't help much, its like putting rust on                 ...

I Am Sorry If I Have Waken You..Love You, Wishing You Sweet Dreams!

                                                         Sorry it is so late, I wanted to write you because I can't sleep too well, but I am feeling better, I can feel your concern, so thank you, my love and prayers to you too my sweet man.  Hope you had a good day Stephen and it wasn't too, too stressful.  I know you have big responsibilities and I am thinking about you, knowing that you put yourself last.  So please, please be taking care of yourself , take some time out for yourself.  If tomorrow you need too, just think of me giving you a hug for encouragement with a whisper "I love you " in your ear..ok?  If not that, a warm gentle kiss on your cheek, or a soft light pass across you...

Pray You Had A Wonderfully Blessed Sunday, Love You!

                                                        Was such a gloomy day today, the sun never came out but had a good day with the kids.  Caught a bit of the sports today, NASCAR and Triathlon, the Triathlon was much better.  I use to enjoy NASCAR, but anymore , kinda boring to me anymore..  Felt really bad this morning until early his afternoon.  I don't know what really the problem is whether or not its a nerve in my back or just depression symptoms, got to make an appointment for a mammogram anyway this coming month, talk to the doc then.  Hope and pray you are doing fine Schizz and all is well.  I seen where the snow haunted your area again.  Tomorrow we are getting the dar...

Feeling A Bit Better, Snowing Here, Hope You Are Doing Fine Schizz..Love You!

                                                            Had to download some pictures on Facebook, I really like doing that, some can get me down a bit.  Feel a little better, snowing here and my son is bugging for the computer yet again.  Hope all of you are doing good, staying warm and healthy, my goodness is that sorta hard considering these yo-yo temps we all have been going through, so I pray that you are keeping yourself well as best as you can, my dear Stephen, Ok.                                    ...

Here Comes The Snow Again, Schizz !

                                                       Been fighting to get on the computer today, between my son, my backache and me just feeling bummy for this time of the month (sorry).  Anyway, I haven't forgotten you Stephen, hope and pray things are going ok and you are staying safe and warm.   I am still working on the special painting that you inspired with your writings.  Been thinking about you all day today.  We are under a winter storm warning, looks like we aren't going to escape this round.  Maybe prayerfully it will miss you guys all together.                       ...

Sorry It Took So Long Get Back To You!

                                                   Hi my dear , sorry it took me awhile to write you back today.  Been so cold, the kids and had to check the heating system in the house.  I called mom and dad to check on them and they checked on me telling what to check for causes of heat loss.  I have some holes in the duct work, I was able to patch them from the inside, but will have to have the kids help me to get underneath the home to check for any other damage.  Its supposed be warmer Saturday, so we will have to do it then, the furnace seems to be working fine, thank goodness.  The kids were off from school today and it looks like tomorrow too because of the windchill.       ...

Good Afternoon, Schizz, Pray You Are Having A Good Day!

                                                            Hi sweetheart, hope everything is going well for you today and staying warm as well.  Here we go with the arctic wind chills again.  Starting this afternoon through Friday, they could reach -25.  Gosh am I ever ready for spring, I know all of you are more than ready right?  I think even "Frosty The Snowman" would look for a warmer climate .                                                ...

Hi Stephen, Hope You Are Having A Wonderful Day..Love You!

                                                            Pray you all are staying warm and staying out of the cold as much as possible, especially you!   I know that isn't easy or at times possible, so I do hope you fed your fine feathered friends outside.  I know the ones that hang around here wait and watch to see if I come out, its cute.  Can't blame them, the snow makes it so difficult.  I bet you and your family have the same attitude about the snowstorms anymore.."Just Bring It On" I heard some records were to be broken as the total of snowfall..somehow, that isn't encouraging is it?              ...

So Wonderful To Read Your Blogs All The Way Through Schizz!

                                                                 Hello Stephen, so glad to hear you are doing alright been worried about the snow but especially the windchill, from what I saw on the weather channel, looked like New England was in for some real brutal temps.  I know, I shouldn't watch it so much, you are right, sometimes they make so much hype over the storms than what they really are.  I guess I can say that around my area, but I worry about your area because I don't experience it first hand.  As it is..I am so glad and thankful you are fine!                 ...

Hoping And Praying You Are Staying Warm And Safe Stephen!

                                                       Yesterday was pretty bad, we had snow squalls and freezing temps.  The kids stayed in all day trying to keep warm.  This house must need insulated better because it just doesn't want to hold the heat in.  I know the windows in my room are bad letting frigid air in.  Its so frustrating, anyway I hope you had a good day yesterday and today.  Today I battled yet another back ache.  Personally I think its probably the cold going up my spine...darn it, the windchill was almost -25.  I worry about you because its heading up your way now, so please keep yourself warm and safe and if you can avoid going out, please don't if you don't have to...

Happy Valentine's Day Stephen, Love You So Very Much!

                                                      I wanted to do something special today but couldn't wait to post it.  I put together a group of pictures and music I hope you will enjoy because of what your family, friends and faith means to will know what I mean when you see it.  Pray it will make you happy and bring a smile to your handsome face.   Love you so much and with all my heart I wish I could spend this special day with you!  Love you share with the kids and I here ,or with your wonderful family there, just makes the day seem right.  I pray that one day, the kids and I will share the love there with you!  Have a great day today sweetheart, love you with all my heart...

Sending Some Encouragement To You During The Day!!

                                                     All bundled up again today seeing that its a whopping 12 degrees. I think I am getting too sensitive to the cold because I took dinner out of the oven and stood there with the oven door open for a while.  Brrrrrr, Brrrrrr, Brrrrrrr and dang it, I hate the cold.                                                     The last couple days, I have been in the kitchen fixing home cooked meals, the kids are enjoying them more now th...

I'm Still Up...Wanted To Write Before I Try To Rest...Pray You Will Have A Great Day Schizz, Love You!

                                                           Boy I wish I understood how to work some of these websites and blogsites, but Lord help me, sometimes I just can't understand them.                                                            I was so thrilled to finally hear from you Stephen , been a long while , so happy you wrote!!   Your blog came up but only a paragraph, I would hit "more" to re...

Hope You Had A Good Day My Stephen, Sweet Dreams Sweetheart!

                                                   Been writing a lot to you on Blogger today, I have been working on taking more pictures of my work and putting on my Facebook page for  my art , floral and Avon.   That is how I found a picture of my brother's truck.  I found another picture of me holding two bouquets I made for a bride and bridesmaid...oh my goodness ..its sorta scary    I hope I didn't bore you too much today with my posts, they weren't real exciting.                                                   Hope and pray you and everyone are doing better with all that...

Wanted To Share An Old Photo With You Schizz

My brother restored this 1955 Ford pick-up for a school project, he showed it several times over the years but sold it after his boys were born..He used to call it "Puppy" it had a 1972 302 Ford Mustang engine in it, it sure was a neat truck.  Not sure where it is now or even if its the same color anymore                                                       Thought this would give you a smile or even a chuckle! Love you so much Stephen!

Hi Stephen, How Is You Day Going?

                                                          Wanted to write you a quick note just to say Hi and love you very much!   Hope and pray things are improving your way weather wise and travel wise around your area.   It's going to get to forty today here, then take a nose dive to the teens this weekend..surprise, surprise right?   My son is working harder, thank goodness and thank you for letting me tell you all about it.   Just be careful when you go out today or go back home from the office.                             ...

Wishing You Warm,Wonderful And Beautiful Sweet Dreams SCHIZZ!

                                                Wanted to write you tonight, hoping and praying you are fine!  I wish you restful , wonderful and lovely dreams tonight.  Please keep warm and safe!!!! Love you so, so very much and wish I could be cuddled up with you.  Honestly and right.  You have a good morning, I will be thinking about you sweetheart, all my love, hugs and kisses!!!  Check on you tomorrow!!!                           Please let this be an encouragement for the morning..LOVE YOU STEPHEN!!

Been Worried About You My Dear Stephen!

                                                             I always watch the news, local and national in the morning.  I was so shocked to find out that Boston had exceeded a record snowfall that passed The Blizzard Of 1978.  The weight of the snow on roofs is a big concern for you now and how you are handling it ,  got me concerned about you and all the family there.  I hope and pray somebody can help all of you out by knocking some of the weight off of your homes.   Been worried about you and the snow that yet again has plagued The New England area.   Ohio has lucked out with all of it.  The weathermen were bragging about that this morning too....

A Very Nice Evening, Wish I'm Where You Are

                                                       Went over to my folks today, seeing there wasn't any threat of bad weather.  The kids and I had a nice visit, dad was his usual ornery self.  Mom, she was putting together another puzzle, my daughter helped her,my son was in the living room with my dad and my sister and I were in the kitchen with my daughter and mom.                                                       Been feeling down tonight, ...

Happy Saturday Evening To You My Wonderful Man!

                                                        Hello Stephen, hope you are doing fine today and the sun was shinning there.  The sunset is so very lovely tonight. Bright blue, orange and pink, just amazing.  Pray you are having a nice evening.  Quiet here, the kids and I are enjoying the first weekend without a threat of snow or a snowstorm.   Thinking about you tonight, like I always think of my Stephen!  How I miss you, your smile and sparkling eyes!  Just wanted to tell you that today!! LOVE YOU SO, SO VERY MUCH!!!  You have a great evening, I am wishing you that, smile sweetheart!!! I will check on you tomorrow!!!!!!!!        ...

It's Friday, Hope You Are Having A Good Day Stephen And Keeping Warm And Safe!

                                                       I have spent most of my day layered in clothing and piled underneath a bunch of blankets .  Can't do much, so I'm braving it, can't stand to be doing nothing, I'm doing my art and Avon.  Spent most of the day building my Facebook Art Page, in between the computer giving me some problems.                                                        Again, I have managed to catch another cold, go fig...

Sweet Wonderful Dreams For You Stephen, I Love You!

                                                     I know you may be asleep by now but kindly this will greet you in the morning when you wake.  If by chance you are still awake like me, I hope this brings you gentle pleasure as light as a soft whisper.  Its snowing tonight, I'm thinking about you as I often do.                                                      Wanted to wish you sweet dreams my darling with a wonderful day awaiting you when the morning light p...

Hello My Dear Stephen, Half Way Done For The Week And Over Half For The Day!

                                                          Hope your day is going well, at least, no more snow coming down anyway right?   The news was sure sad today with the commuter train accident in New York.  Gosh, seems like one thing follows another.                                                           The day is almost done Schizz, hold on Hon!  Me, I had a long day yesterday, paying bills, grocery shopping and getting my taxes done.  This morning when I got up to get the kids off to school I was like a zombie.  Fell back ...

Sending You Stephen, A Little Color In A Snowy World

                                                        Taking forever to type this letter to you, darn computer, I think its cold too with these freezing temps.   Hope and pray you are keeping warm and everyone is doing ok.         Please keep yourself warm, safe and healthy throughout all the Measles outbreak and very cold air with all that snow.  It has made a record in Massachusetts, I'm sure.  Been worried about all of you.  You have been in my thoughts and prayers.  I know I have said it so much, but be careful, all my love, hugs and kisses!!!!                                 ...

Be Careful Today "Pat Nation", Especially YOU SCHIZZ !!

                                                          I know you are getting hit yet again with a couple feet of snow.  We missed all of it again in Central Ohio, but Northern Ohio got hammered.  I am concerned for you Stephen and what is going on there with the weather.  What a Superbowl though!  It was great, a lot of penalties were missed but it turned out great at the last minute.  Kinda reminded me of the years of The Browns "Cardiac Kids".  Malcolm Butler interception was a perfect ending.    "Pat Nation" is an understatement . Oh yes the commercials, two really were good, I think.             ...

Hi SCHIZZ, I On This Blog Now , Hope And Pray Everyone And Especially You Are Doing Fine Today!

                                                                  Hard to believe we are a Sunday already, this weekend went fast.  Hope you have gotten some rest and you get to enjoy the Superbowl today.  Been thinking about you, we are kinda dodging this latest round of weather, yesterday we were under a Winter Storm Warning, not sure about today.  Sorry about not writing yesterday, my son was up on my computer , I am still learning how to work my new phone, its kinda like a I Phone but not quite, I can access the internet with it but I am so slow about other words, I stink about it.  You were filling up my thoughts all the while yesterd...