I Am Sorry If I Have Waken You..Love You, Wishing You Sweet Dreams!

                                                         Sorry it is so late, I wanted to write you because I can't sleep too well, but I am feeling better, I can feel your concern, so thank you, my love and prayers to you too my sweet man.  Hope you had a good day Stephen and it wasn't too, too stressful.  I know you have big responsibilities and I am thinking about you, knowing that you put yourself last.  So please, please be taking care of yourself , take some time out for yourself.  If tomorrow you need too, just think of me giving you a hug for encouragement with a whisper "I love you " in your ear..ok?  If not that, a warm gentle kiss on your cheek, or a soft light pass across your lips, as delicate as a drop of summer rain.
                                                        If I have waken you, may a beautiful image of our hands coming together and resting upon your chest.  Please have the sweetest of dreams.  Tomorrow be very good and blessed for you..love you so very much Schizz, I will write you later on today!


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