Feeling A Bit Better, Snowing Here, Hope You Are Doing Fine Schizz..Love You!

                                                            Had to download some pictures on Facebook, I really like doing that, some can get me down a bit.  Feel a little better, snowing here and my son is bugging for the computer yet again.  Hope all of you are doing good, staying warm and healthy, my goodness is that sorta hard considering these yo-yo temps we all have been going through, so I pray that you are keeping yourself well as best as you can, my dear Stephen, Ok.
                                                            Gosh, am I looking forward to the first signs of spring, especially those flowers.  I think the snow has out-welcomed its stay.  The house is feeling warmer, however wasn't able to get underneath yet because of the weather and how I feel.  The home improvement project will have to wait yet again. 
                                                            Anyway, I wanted to share some more old photographs with you that I hope you will get a kick out of them, please, please be careful today and tonight, not real sure, how this weather system is fairing out, prayerfully it will muster out before it reaches your area, not like you guys need anymore winter weather...Love you very, very much, check in on ya later tonight or tomorrow!  All my love, hugs and kisses!!!
                                         Old pictures: Dad and my brother in the garage, below I took this many years ago from the driveway, side shot of  my folks house where we grew up, my sister's 1972, Ford LTD(green and White) and our family car 1974 Ford Galaxy 500.


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