
Showing posts from 2015

I Know Its Been Awhile, Hope And Pray Everyone Is Fine, Sorry I Haven't Written

        Fighting insomnia has drained me and wore me down so much lately, hope and pray Stephen, you and all the family are doing well and had a wonderful Christmas, please have a safe New Years.   I am doing ok, kids are too, you are still the one and only man, that is certain wanted you to know that.  I will have to write you of all of the stuff going on when I feel better.  Love you lots Schizz!

Touching Piano Music


"Home Depot/Dealing With An Atheist" Comedy By Mark Lowry


Comedy And "TV Tunes" With Mark Lowry and The Trio (FULL)


"Mamma Had Enough" Comedy By Mark Lowry


Bethlehem Morning


7 Amy Grant Love Has Come


Hello, Been So Busy!

      Been taking my daughter everywhere with her friend Crystal, well mostly here.  Crystal spent three days here.  This is really the only chance I have had in the last three days.  Jon and his girlfriend Heather took the girls and I to see the Zoo Lights in Columbus.  I have been busy doing that and baking.  Tomorrow I have to start and finish some artwork for a secrete Santa, never felt so tired in my whole life.  The kids and I watched "The Book Thief " together tonight, a well done film, very good.  Still doing my Avon.  Got a good deal on Naturals Shower Gel, Body Spray and Body Lotion, all three for $ 7.00.  Considering that the body spray and body lotion is $ 8.00 a piece, its a great deal.     Depression and blue wise, I am doing better, I have to take Scooter and Daisy first of the month to see the Vet, I know I will cry again.  It takes me a while to work it out.      I have decided t...

Tired Today,Hoping Your Day Is Good

   Sun is out and the temperature is about 60, doesn't look like a possibility f a white Christmas.   Been applying for employment and doing my Christmas Crafting too, been having a difficult time falling I am tired.    I wonder how your day is going, hope its good and you are well.  You know I think about you and everyone.   I think this week has had enough eventful things happening.  I sure could use some good news.  Just being held by you would chase the blues away for sure !   Be careful going home, love you so very much Stephen!

Been A Strange Day

   I wrote out a tribute to Murphy on my Facebook page, everyone has been so wonderful to express their concern.  Been an off feeling day .  Yesterday after the kids got home, Jon and I went out to my folks to bury Murphy out by Haley who I had when Jeff was alive, mom and dad took her after Jeff died because I could only have one dog at the time.  Jon had a very difficult time dealing with Murphy's death.  It surprised me how hard he took it..somewhat, I knew he was close to Murphy, especially after his dad died.  Mom came out and helped us find a good spot and Jon lovingly carried Murph out.  Murphy is under a beautiful pine tree by the field.    I guess all day just feels empty getting use to his absence.  Daisy and Scooter are getting closer to all of us now.  They are really affectionate dogs.    Some probably find it silly that I carry on so about losing pets, they do however become a big part of life.  I...

What Yesterday Brought

   Battling to keep Murphy seems to be a full time job within its self.  I kinda cried telling my sister and asking her for advice.  She has been down this road many times with pets.  So I took her advice and have been getting fluids down him and getting him to eat a little at a time.  I know animals can tell humans in their own way when its time to quit, its usually when they give up eating all together.  My dog has a nasty ear infection which is spreading throughout his body, its been difficult to get him to the vet when funds are low, seems so expensive.  I have been using memory and tried remedies on him, which has only delayed its progress.  I don't give easy, so I try.     Hope and pray everything up in Amesbury, MA is ok and all of the family are well and you are taking care of yourself Schizz.  You know how much I worry about you Stephen.  Should call you The Quiet Man..because I haven't heard from you for awhile...

Still Up And Thinking About You

     After midnight and here I am again up and lonely..lonely for companionship.  How I miss talking to you Stephen.  Thinking back, I miss the days how I looked forward in seeing you because no matter what I always felt better and complete around you.  Time goes by and I just get feeling more down without you.   I wonder if you  understand that if I was able, I'd see you in less than a heartbeat. I feel like I am selfish because I am thinking about how much I miss you and how much my sisters and my parents enjoy having me around sometimes.  I am selfish because I don't seem to give you up because, HONESTLY, I don't want too!!!!!!!!!!!  How you feel about that, I am not sure now since its been several months since you last wrote.    Since I am a woman and we do odd things like needing to know if a man still cares about them sometimes more than men think we should..well at least this strange woman does.  Everyday I pray to...

Morning Stephen

I just wanted to send you a morning smile, love you,may your day be blessed 😊

Wanted To Catch Up Just A Little

    Been overly busy today trying to finish up all the holiday stuff, proud to say Oh I'm about half done...Phew..yeah thought maybe I would have finished more than that..oh well.  Did my online Avon training , it was really informative.  I found it somewhat amusing that to lessen wrinkles on the face at night you should lie on your back.   Just can't get comfortable that way, so I guess I am in big trouble.  Did you know a person has over 15,000 facial expressions, this too can age your skin.  A person can't help that but Avon can help fight it with their Anew Skin Care you know an interesting tidbit.    Been caring for old Murphy, poor old dog, I have been nursing, bathing and doctoring him...he has been giving me dirty looks but loves the attention.  Old T the cat is still holding her ground too, kinda cute, the old animal home for the ages..I guess.   Hope and pray you are surviving the holiday woes.  The  ...

Hello To Everyone, Hope Everything Is Fine

                                  Just wishing everyone a good day, praying that everyone is doing fine, staying healthy and safe.  Goodness knows time goes fast and things change. So much sadness in this world, so I just want to say Hi and send a smile to those who are down.  Today is my parents 54th Wedding Anniversary and I am so proud and grateful that they are still in my sisters and I 's life as well as our kids life.  I can't say much about my brother who is still having nothing to do with us for the lamest reasons , now digging up things from the past about my older sister.  I don't know what his issues are or what he is into, but he and my father had a heated conversation last Sunday.  All I know it isn't the brother I grew up with, so in essence its like we lost him years ago.   I am feeling so sad, not just for me feeling a loss but my parents physical state and ...

Checking In Tonight, Sorry It Took So Long

                                                With this stuff during the month, seems like I just feel so tired and bummy feeling, slept most of the day, did some work around the house.  Had a few storms rumble through with heavy rain.  Had too much of it, everything is so damp.  The mosquitoes and flies are horrible this year.  My legs are a mess after I walked the dogs too close to mom and dad's garden.  Those miserable things just wait for any sucker, guess who was the sucker. I got snarled at for that by my parents and my sisters, especially Vick because I had inadvertently scratched some open..I know real intelligent.                               ...

Good Night Sweet Prince, Love You

                                                      Pray you all are well and taking care of yourselves. I always keep you Stephen and all your family in my thoughts and prayers.  The weather here is still kinda iffy, lighting is starting up again. Hope you had a good day.                                                       After I write you, I am going to "Hit The Hay" as dad says .  With the weather, household chores, scoping down the kids daily sche...

I Missed Yesterday And Today

                                                 Hello Darling SCHIZZ, the title of this blog sounds rather profound doesn't.  It smacks metaphorical in a way.  I miss yesterday and  today just seems to speak, anyway, sorry I haven't written the last two days.  I started a painting and have helped Marybeth out with some household chores.                                                   I wanted to detail an old painting that dad did a long tine ago.  It reminded of Alum Creek before they made the reservoir.  Really only a few minor adjustments are needed to make it a winter sce...

Hope You Had A Good Day Stephen

                                                  Just another rainy day here, been feeling the same inside.  I don't what it is but when it rains, it just makes me sleepy.  Have so much to do outside, but with weather like this , sure makes it almost impossible.  I'll have to make a phone call later on to check on my sister and my folks.  Pray they had some better days.  Hope and pray you and the family are doing well and staying safe.  Seems like I am wanting to go in several different directions lately but I am always thinking about you too.                                                  ...

Hi Stephen , Hope And Pray Everyone There Are Fine, Love You

                                          I know I went off again on my last blog, just so worked up about what my brother and his family have been up too.  I am getting I hope, If you can pray for all of us , I really appreciate it.                                           Pray you and your family are doing good and things aren't as stressful in your life. I really do hope so.  No one needs all this aggravation and disappointment huh?                                       ...

Hello Again Stephen, Hope My Schizz Is Doing Fine Tonight!

                                                                   So how are you doing tonight?  I always wonder about that because I can't ask you directly.  I have to have faith that you are doing well and all is ok there.  Hope you enjoyed Scott and Brendan's story, two ornery nephews.  Doing better today, still somewhat tired though.  My daughter told me that while they are in New York, the choir is going to see the live version of  "Phantom Of The Opera."  Now that would be something to see, even though I have seen it about three times here in Ohio but whose counting.  So she and I watched the movie.   ...

Weird Thursday, Hoping For A Normal Friday!

                                                                   Pray all your family are doing good, a hello to all of them Schizz, best to all of them too.  Hope you are doing well and keeping yourself healthy, thinking about how you are getting along and sending my love your way!                                                                ...

Good Night My Sweet Prince Sir Anthony SCHIZZ, Have A Wonderful Day Tomorrow!

                                                                         Cold tired day today, my daughter had a track met tonight and it was cold enough to snow...don't like to see it let alone say it huh?  She is doing well and in long jump she marked 11.5.  She wants to beat that so bad.  You know they just started.                                                   ...

Just Saying I Love You Before You Drift Off To Sleep, My Sweetheart SCHIZZ

                                                                    Just wanting to check in and tell you I love you before you go to bed tonight.  Hope your day was a good one, that you are ok and all the family there is fine.                                                                    Everything seems to be the same, bu...

The Most Handsome Man In All New England...Love You SCHIZZ!

                                                             I think its graciously nice, always true to remind those who we love and care about that they are always so wonderful in our eyes, so on this day when everyone is looking towards Boston, Ma, I just want to remind you of that Stephen, love you so very much!                                               My favorite picture of to be!

Beautiful Day, Hope Yours Was Just The Same 'Boston Strong" Always But Thinking Of You Especially Schizz!

                                                              Just remembering what happened two years ago, just seems like it hasn't been that long.  Sure nice to see all the uplifting enthusiasm in Boston, such great encouragement for the nation and it surely needs it.  Spent my day exercising and sorting through art projects I need to get finished.  I was writing down themes for my Facebook Art Gallery, it will come easier to sort and post my work that way.   I opened all my windows to get the fresh air back in the house,it was a nice day for that!                                 ...

Early Morning Again, Thinking About You Schizz, Love You Have A Nice Day!

                                                               Sorry its early again, I know, was a busy day Tuesday, my daughter had a track meet and a band concert.  I feel more confident , still feeling sad, sorry if I grumbled about myself.  I get discouraged so easy sometimes.  I am doing better with losing weight and eating right.  Have to stay away from using too much of the darn salt..I know.                                             ...

Sorry Its So Early In The Morning, Hope You Had A Nice Monday, Here's To A Nice Tuesday Too..Love You Schizz!

                                                                      Monday was sure nice, we did get a little rain but most of the day was beautiful.  Hope you got to enjoy it.   Pray you are all doing well Stephen, especially you!    Pat did post that darn picture, that picture is a wreck.  Nobody smile except me and I look like a hideous bloated fish..I guess you can gather I didn't like it. Gosh, I thought I was doing well on my diet and walking, sure doesn't look like it so I do extend an apology to you and not share that picture.             ...

Very Beautiful Sunday Schizz, Hope You Had A Great Day!

                                                              Kinda of a slow but beautiful day, the sun was out and Crystal, my daughter and I walked around Alum Creek Dam.  It was plenty busy, got a blister on my foot but got to walk a good stretch.  So far so good, our picture wasn't posted on Facebook, so we got out of that alright.  worked on my artwork just a bit today.                                                   ...

Having A Good Saturday..Interesting To Say The Least!

                                                              Hello Schizz, hope you are having a good Saturday afternoon.  Pat made down with her friend Betty.  What a pair of friends...The kids and I met them at Bob Evans in Delaware.  They haunted Goodwill first before we got there.  The kids were extremely bored out of their minds hanging around us old women..I can say I was the youngest out of the three of us..ha-ha..Got Pat beat by 20 years and Betty is older than her.  It can be said that we are all young at heart though!                       ...

Good Morning Sweetheart, Have A Good Day, Love You Schizz!

                                                                  I know I said I'd write you tomorrow, I caught a break from all the storms and confusion of the morning, so I decided to write you this morning to wish you a great day with much love and if I could I'd top it off with a tender hug!                                                               ...

Warm Today But Rainy And Stormy, Hope You Had A Sunny Day Today SCHIZZ !

                                                                   It was in the seventies today and boy was it rainy and stormy,.  I spent most of the day working on my artwork and listening to classical music, not only is it enjoyable but helps me relax and not rush through it.  My daughter's second track meet was cancelled because of the rain but yesterday she placed third in the long jump!  My son got to work on the cash register at his job, he said he enjoyed it and had a nice group of people come in tonight!                       ...

Hi Stephen, Hope Your Day Is Going Good Schizz..Love You Honey!

                                                    Sorry I'm writing you a little later today, Pat talked to me on Facebook and wanted to come down Saturday and see the kids and I.  Glad its just her and not the other two, of course they wouldn't condescend to do that anyway...that is quite alright with the kids and I.  Thing is, like I said she has been wearing wigs, sometimes some of the wigs just doesn't look right.  She sent a picture of herself with an Easter card and the one she has on in it looks about the best.     I am sure the kids and I will be worn out by the time she leaves Saturday.  I know I can be a bundle of nerves but she is about ten times worse.    Especially now that Gar...

Hello Schizz, Wanted To Drop A Line Or Two And Say I'm Thinking About You Today!

                                                                Got home sorta of late, the kids and I were plenty worn out. I think with the spring air and entertaining kinda wears the body out.  Mom was sure tired, her and dad had a doctor's appointment today, they weren't too thrilled about that.  Got to see my nephews, Scott and Randy, my niece, you know Randy's wife and their son Brendan.  My sister Jennie and brother(her hubby) aka grandma and grandpa.  My sister doesn't like the term grandma, so Brendan calls her "Jee-Jee" like "Gi-Gi" I told them they should put a French accent with that.           ...