An Afternoon Hello Schizz, Love You So Much!

                                                               Not sure of the time difference in Costa Rica, its the afternoon here and wanted just to remind you how much I love you sweetheart!  Hope you are having a great day.    The sun is out and its almost 60 degrees, but muddy, you know how the spring is.  I know its not officially spring but with the temps being that good, can't help but place it a week early.
                                                               Thinking about you of course, that is always pleasant !! So my day is going good!  I am sure you all are working hard, gosh wish I could see all of what you have accomplished together bet its wonderful!  Getting close at the end of the week I know, you will have some awesome memories take back with you ,like you said, all of you got something special out of it.
                                                               At least it will be warmer when you get back home.  I was watching the morning news (I know..Oh No!) but it was ok.  Not real good with all the controversy going on and the trial going on in Boston but where they were reporting from, in the background you could see several sailboats out in the harbor.  Now that was a nice sight!   It sure is a treat for me to see that and will give you some encouragement to look forward to.
                                                             I will write you again tonight, just wanted to write you to say that I am thinking about my guy, love you so much, be careful!!!!!
                                                    love you Stephen


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