Good Friday Morning Schizz, Sweetheart, Have A Great Day, Will Be Thinking About You!

                                                                        Good morning Stephen, hope you are doing fine this morning and everyone there are well too.  Cold today and it will be colder tomorrow but it is going to warm back up, such is spring right?   Thinking about you this morning sweetheart, I am sure you are enjoying a good cup of coffee, hoping you are taking the time out for a descent breakfast .
                                                                       Nothing new here to talk about, all about the same but that is better than bad news.  Feeling up to doing m artwork again, all the sinus trouble is gone! I pray that you haven't been ill, you know me, how I worry about you darling.  They show images of Florida and key west on the commercials, now why didn't they show those nice aqua waters back when it was in the minus digits.  It doesn't seem too exciting now that spring is coming..oh well.
                                                                      Please have a good day Stephen, I love you so very much, pray that everything turns out good today, I'll check in on you later.    My hugs and kisses right now!
                                  So Pretty, found this picture, hope you enjoy it too, Love You !

                                          I know we are getting out of the year for this but when there is still a chill in the air its nice to think of a nice romantic fire, pleasant and inviting, especially when the music is great..whoever did this sure picked a fine assortment of jazz..enjoy sweetie, have a wonderful day!


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