Another Late Night, Love You Schizz!

                                                           I know I am writing late again, why break a habit right?  Hope you had a great Laetare Sunday today.  My son had to borrow the car to go in to do some paperwork, so the kids and I went over to my folks and got to see them, my nephew and my sis. Feeling really poorly this evening, my sinuses are stuffed up.  Here I go again with another bout with some kinds of yuk yet again.  With the warmer weather and dampness..surprise, to ask when will I get feeling better?  Seems like I am battling something left and right.
                                                         My folks were asking about you Schizz and how you were getting along, they miss you too.   Hope and pray you are doing well Stephen and keeping well along with your family...miss you so terribly and love you so very much!   Just wish I was there with you!!!All my hugs and kisses sweetheart!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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