Hello, My Darling Schizz, Pray You Are Doing Fine!

                                                         What a busy day, mercy, just when I catch a break something else comes up here at the house.  My son had a concert band contest today, came in second.  My daughter is having a couple of her friends over today and her practice ran over because it was picture day yesterday.  It was miserable yesterday, it rained all day long.  Hate driving in the rain. Yuky and muddy, so glad the sun came out today.  Keeping the house is a nightmare, wiping dogs feet and keeping shoes clean. 
                                                        Saturday is always chore day, ya know, that is always a fun time..laundry..oh well.   Hope you are doing ok and things are going good for ya.  Worried about you , praying that you get home safely.  If you are already home, please get some rest .  I am sure getting things settled in is a hassle .   Wish I was there to give you a nice shoulder rub, along with a hug and kiss too!!  Massages are wonderful, haven't had one for years and years.  Wouldn't mind giving you some though!
                                                       Pray everyone is doing fine in the family, everyone in my family are doing well.   Wanted to let you know I haven't forgotten you by NO MEANS..you are always on my mind!!!! That is just fine with me!!!!  I'll check in on tomorrow ..I LOVE YOU SO VERY MUCH STEPHEN, ALL MY LOVE AND KISSES AND MANY, MANY HUGS TODAY AND TONIGHT!!!!!!



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