My Happy Place To Think Of Something Warm And Beautiful...For You Schizz!

                                                        I would guess living on the East Coast and Massachusetts, you would get used to seeing the ocean, the marshes, sandy shores and lighthouses losing there luster especially during the winter months.  It would prompt you to seek those warmer destinations in the  parts that people go were there are tanned sun-kissed bodies, the air is warm all year round, the sand sparkles with the heat of the sun and the water is aqua blue.  I can understand that completely.
                                                       Its funny that living in Ohio, I have no real dreams of going to those places, oh I admit when the temps are in the minus digits, Florida and Hawaii sure sound real good and the palm trees look inviting.  Oddly though my thoughts tend to wonder towards the summer days in your Massachusetts, Stephen, and the beaches/shores.  Even as a little girl, I just never had a taste of those vacation spots like where you have visited recently.  I think all those years of my granddad taking us kids to the lakes and local beaches here.  It must have been enough for me to dream of those coastal lighthouses , shores dotted with sand dollars and sea shells.  That is all that had beckoned my spirit to explore.
                                                       Sometimes when I am sad, all I have to do is close my eyes and envision walking on the beach when the sky is bright , the wind brushes my hair back and catches  the skirt of a flimsy but beautiful light colored gown, twirling it.     I'm wearing it, with sleeves off the shoulder a bit and resting just below my elbows.  My feet bare or covered with shoes like slippers, if they are bare,my feet would touch the breaking tiny waves dancing on the shore.  Maybe in the distance there is a lighthouse that is used like a vacation shelter to spend the night or relax during the day.    Somewhere across the sand, is the man I love walking.  I shade my eyes to watch you approach.  We don't run but walk towards one another, taking in the delight of our images , adhering them to memory.  When we do reach each other, we collapse together like fingers fanning, locking hands.
                                                       I know it really doesn't have any reference to Costa Rica, but since it was warm , such a pleasant place and wonderful experience.  It inspired me to lay a blue print of this computer rendering.  This will keep my ideal fresh to finally place it on canvas one day with your ideals so it will be even better.
                                                      I hope this will give a smile you so very much Stephen, I wish only that you always know how much you mean to me and how much I care for you..I'll check in later, my daughter is down with this sickness, my son is improving and I am the same.  I pray you and everyone is doing ok.  You are the one who is always on my mind so please take care of yourself and write when you get a chance, so love hearing from you,so,so much!


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