Pray You Had A Good Evening And Things Are Well Tonight, Thinking About You Stephen, Love You!

                                        Probably getting ready for bed, or already there, if I woke you, I beg your pardon.  Wanted to let you know I didn't forget about you at all.  Hope you had a good day.  Sure cold here, then tomorrow it will rain all day.  No wonder my yawns are coming heavy upon me. Doing much better.  The kids are doing good too, my son is working to get his grades up, that sure is a blessing.
                                       Wish I was there to say goodnight in person, but since I can't , I am wishing you the best of dreams, please be careful going off to work in the morning,  I pray you have a wonderful day tomorrow too.  With all that said, I send my hugs and kisses to encourage you to know I do love you so very much.  I will write you tomorrow Schizz...All my love to you and everyone there..mostly you!!


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