What Else Is There To Say...Its Monday..Ahhhhhhh

                                        How fitting that this is Monday, the day of impending doom...so it seems like.  Why is it that we always curse Mondays?   Its been that way since I could remember.   I have my reasons for dreading this day.  Going to Willard, Ohio today says it all.  I have been apprehensive all weekend not knowing what I'm getting into.
                                       Hope and pray you had a very nice weekend Schizz and the family are all doing well.   Pray you are taking care of yourself and that today is a good one for you.  Just be careful on your way back and forth to the office.  I send my hugs and kisses for encouragement.
                                       We will be stopping at the cemetery to see Jeff's and dad Garys' graves.  It is going to be tough I know.   Prayerfully the day will be a good one despite it all.  I have been sorta down about it.  Gary always greeted us when we walked into the house, it is going to be different, that is for sure.  I know you understand all what I am saying, you have been through it.  I always think about how difficult it must be for all of you especially you when you walk into your parents place everyday.   I know too, its the memories of all the good times you spent there, that sustains you , most of all, your faith, bless your heart always.
                                     I'll have to let you know how it goes, hopefully I won't get too down, you will know if I don't write the next couple days if I do.
                                     Love you so very much Stephen!!!


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